Imagine an Alberta where everyone works in an environment that supports and promotes their health and well-being.

A Healthy Workplace is about more than just safety, it's about creating a place where employees, employers, and the community work together and support one another to promote health and well-being.

A healthy workplace is one where employers:

  • Embed health goals into organizational operations and corporate culture
  • Work with employees to achieve a common health vision
  • Provide an environment and establish work processes to protect and promote physical, psychological, and social health for their employees
  • Empower managers and workers to increase control over their own health

A healthy workplace is one where employees:

  • Have access to opportunities to adopt healthy lifestyle practices
  • Learn and develop personal coping skills to manage stressful situations
  • Enjoy positive working relationships with their colleagues that encourages respect, recognition for their work and a sense of belonging
  • Experience opportunities to become involved in the decision‐making processes and are given opportunities for personal and professional growth

How Workplaces Can Improve Employee Health

Working conditions have a profound effect on a person's physical, mental and social health. Work not only provides an income, but also a sense of identity and purpose, social contacts, and opportunities for personal growth. Employers have a unique opportunity to support healthy behaviors by creating safe physical work environments, implementing healthy management practices, providing employees with health resources and creating meaningful community connections. 

The Healthier Together Workplaces Program can help you make positive changes in your organization by creating a sustainable plan to implement workplace health with our 5 step program.