Healthy, safe and engaged employees help to reduce costs, are more productive at work and build an organization's reputation as a socially responsible employer. 


Join the growing number of workplaces adopting the Healthier Together Workplaces Program. Together, we can create stronger workplace health cultures and thriving and prosperous places to work.

If you are interested in creating a culture and work environment that promotes health in a sustainable way, Healthier Together Workplaces is here to help.

We support workplaces across Alberta to create healthy, thriving places to work. We offer evidence-informed tools and resources, workplace health training opportunities and a forum to exchange knowledge and experiences with peers.


Measure Your Potential Workplace Health Cost Savings

What do you stand to save?

This calculator uses the most up to date averages and anticipates a 20% decrease in absenteeism, presenteeism and turnover. Just input the number of employees your workplace has to see your potential total savings.